Wednesday, October 11, 2006

'We are happy to announce that Rainydayfuckparade are set to finally release their 4-song mini album “Meridian” through Midmarch Records.'

And, by God, so am I.

Things that aren't bands called Rainydayfuckparade that are cheering me today:

- Avenue D
- Rebellion (Lies). Again and again and again.
- The Presets. Ditto.
- Terry Pratchett finally writing a good kids book in Wintersmith.
- The fact that I am entirely unbothered by paying 80p for two slices of toast when it tastes as good as it does.
- The prospect of watching a shit film being righteously mocked by Robin Ince this evening.
- All the goodies I was sent this morning. Even if one of them was the New Rhodes album.
- The mental image of one man single-handedly rescuing art from a flooded basement.

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