Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Good grief - karma, it seems, actually works.

Having just agreed to write about (and thus watch) Date Movie for work, I was called two minutes later by HSBC saying they'd had my wallet handed in. I lost that wallet the same night I fell asleep on a nightbus and woke up in Crystal bloody Palace, so something pretty damn good had to counteract that one. Happily, the sight of a very tall girl in floods of just-woken-up-and-in-half-asleep-hysterics-tears meant that the psychos left me alone, although that didn't stop me being proposed to on the way home.

Tears are a terribly strange reaction. Why is something that is linked to keeping your eyes clear of rubbish also linked to showing that you're sad, furious or moved? Why don't you, say, get migraines when something horrible happens, or break out in a rash when watching Bambi (a film that, along with The Incredible Journey, is on the Kat dangerlist of films never to be watched, ever). Why tears?

It's at times like this I wish that my brain was geared towards science instead of being wholly obsessed with languages and useless arts subjects.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Having ranted at length about commuting in London earlier this morning elsewhere and suffering the indignity of being patronisde about the offside rule by an Argos assistant while buying my work a Subbuteo kit (I don't give a flying fig for football but I know the cocking offside rule), my brain has now turned to so much mush. It's currently fit for only bad links (hello B3ta, long-lost friend), buying crap off eBay and boggling over this.


Is this the worst tattoo ever? No! That honour goes to the one some bloke's got on his leg with Michael Jackson cradling Macaulay Culkin. Oh the horror.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Kat will go to jail for ...

Making an erotic cake for your cousin’s first birthday

'What sexual activity will you go to jail for?' at QuizUniverse.com

Another procrastination from Miss Anna. Natch-tastic.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Best. Tagline. Ever. For Black Sheep, the forthcoming sheep zombie movie (and if that isn't an invitation to the cinema, I don't know what is.)

"There are 4 million sheep in New Zealand - and they're pissed off."

Monday, May 22, 2006

While buckling under the weight of the bonfire of old newspapers this morning, I saw Lordi, puntastic Eurovision winners, on the front page. "Ooh, how nice," I thought. No. It's a picture of someone protesting against animal wrongs in Oxford. Maybe they should take the piss out of themselves every now and then.

I really like puppies. And kittens, horses, guinea pigs, cows, occasional birds and sharks. I don't especially like the idea of my dog having stuff put in her eyes, or being kept in a cage if only because she'd annoy the hell out of everyone around her by shaking until she got her red toy (some people get hooked on crack, she gets hooked on cheap plastic.) However. To all intents and purposes, I was locked in the country for 13 years which rather ingrained me to the fact that things die. While some things, like foxes, make my blood boil - those bastards killed the chickens - I would infinitely rather that every living thing got to lead the best life it possibly could. And that's about as hippie as I get.

While dermatological testing has become the norm for make-up and beauty products - remember when The Body Shop was the only one against animal testing? - until there's a workable solution for testing medicines on animals, that's how it's going to have to be. I realise that if I were ever to visit a testing centre I would have nightmares for weeks, become vegetarian and enter a catatonia of guilt, but I hate cancer, hate the bad AIDs and really, really hate any kind of disease that robs people of their friends and family before their time.

Animals do need us to fight their corner - game reserves and fishing restrictions for example - but that's still no excuse for otherwise sane people to go around emptying graves and terrorising those involved in animal testing if there is really a good reason. And that really makes me feel sick to think about, because I fucking love puppies. Alright?

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Welcome to the best production blog ever. It reminds me of a little while ago when a magazine was guest-edited by a famous movie director...

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My MySpazz page has just hit 1000 hits. It speaks volumes about my day that this is the most exciting thing to happen for at least seven hours.

Friday, May 05, 2006

I totally want this even though I might cry. Replacing the glass jars? How bloody dare they! Surely the problem with squeezy tubes is that you'll get far too much and it'll be too bitter. It's a fine balanace. Fine.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

It really doesn't matter if you never listen to COlin and Edith on Radio 1. All you need to do is watch this.