Sunday, July 25, 2004

*phew* what a day. Having solved the "sleeping on a park bench" prolem of crashng somewhere last night by staying with C and the Ruff thesps somewhere near Cheltenham,my unfeasibly sleep deprived good mood was marred ever so slightly by the utter buggery of trains. Damn them. R and I slogged round Cardiff with assorted baggage trying to flag down an internet cafe without success before incurring americn wrath by diving into Virgin and payng exorbitant amounts for house hunting. Having managed to find our way t the most purple hostel imaginabel, turns out that an implausibly be-lycra'd cross country meeting was going on all over the city so we have ended up in a ridiculously priced double room the size of a small box. This would be survivable if one of the guys who showed us a house this evening hadn't casually asked if we were looking for "one room or two". Check out the lesbian action my friends, we are shining examples of type it seems. Hum... No real joy with houses as our ardour was cooled by a ) odd landlords and b) creepy neighbourhoods so we're flying of again tomorrow to find us a house before teatime. Will try, will try. In the meantime, the purple hostel is more fun than the evil pub hotel...

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